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Help support UNICEF's work in Afghanistan


In early May 2024, devastating floods in northeastern Afghanistan have claimed hundreds of lives and wiped out several villages, leaving thousands of survivors without shelter, food, clothing, or basic necessities. Prior to this flooding episode, 30,055 people had been affected by floods across the country, mainly in the southern and western regions. This flooding comes at a time when Afghanistan continues to grapple with the consequences of decades of conflict, entrenched poverty, climate-induced crises, and barriers to women’s equality and participation in public life. An unprecedented humanitarian response has largely prevented a catastrophe in the past two years, yet a staggering 23.7 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, 12.3 million of them children. The level of deprivation among Afghan households remains high, with 84 percent of Afghans unable to meet their basic needs. Women and girls experience the worst effects of this crisis, through restrictions on their education, movement, employment and access to public services.
Despite the immense challenges in Afghanistan, UNICEF is staying and delivering for children. UNICEF Emergency Response Teams are on the ground supporting ongoing immediate interventions in the affected areas through water trucking, provision of essential supplies including hygiene kits, family kits, blankets, tarpaulin, and multi-purpose cash. Before the flooding, in the first half of 2024, UNICEF Afghanistan reached more than 602,300 people with primary health care services; admitted 234,200 children with severe malnutrition for treatment; supported 576,500 children with education services through community-based education (CBE) classes; and continued to support Afghan returnees from Pakistan.

In 2024, UNICEF aims to provide:
-- 19.4 million people with primary health care services
-- 3.6 million children and caregivers with life-saving protection services
-- 5.5 million people with access to safe water
-- 2 million children under one vaccination against measles including outbreaks
-- 5.6 children with access to education support

With your help, UNICEF will continue to support children and their families across Afghanistan.

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