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Where we need it most


Together, we are the world’s emergency responders.

In the face of adversity, we stand united. As the world’s emergency responders, we are the British Red Cross. When disaster strikes, our presence is felt in the heart of the crisis.
Across 191 countries, our local knowledge and global expertise unite to provide swift, essential aid. Our mission is to save lives and offer solace to those in crisis, ensuring that no one suffers alone.

In the UK, our reach extends to the vulnerable, offering care and compassion. From assisting someone returning home from hospital to providing services for refugees and survivors of trafficking, we ensure that no one faces their struggles alone.

However, as crises escalate both at home and abroad, our resources are stretched thin. We need your support to continue our vital work. Your donation today can help us remain a beacon of hope for humanity, responding to emergencies, preparing for future ones, and fostering resilient communities in the UK and around the world.

Your donations to the British Red Cross can bring about significant change:
• £10 could help a volunteer escort an isolated individual to a local activity group, alleviating their loneliness.
• £24 could provide a set of warm clothes to a child in the UK who has lost everything in a fire.
• £50 could fund training sessions for schoolchildren in Bangladesh on safety measures during natural disasters.
• £100 could provide a wheelchair for 4 weeks to someone facing hardship in the UK through our assistance programme.

The past year has been one of the most challenging we’ve ever faced. Lives, communities, and livelihoods have been shattered by frequent and deadly extreme weather events – earthquakes, heatwaves, fires, floods, storms – and escalating conflict.

In a crisis, people’s survival depends on our presence. But we need your help, right now.

Why Your Donation Matters:
In an emergency, every second counts – every pair of hands makes a difference, and so does every penny. These critical moments demand our best. The swifter and stronger our response, the more lives we can save and support in the aftermath.

But to be there for people, we need your help. With disasters increasing in frequency and severity, we’re being stretched like never before. The rising costs that affect you also impact us as a charity.

We know more emergencies are looming. And just like you, we have to do more with money that doesn’t stretch as far as it used to.

How Your Donation Could Help:
Our teams in the UK and around the world are on the ground helping people in crisis.

Your donation could provide:
• Food, clean water, shelter, and clothing in an emergency
• Emergency response services
• Refugee support services
• Support to victims of modern slavery and trafficking
• Wheelchair services
• Help to find missing family

If you’re able to support the British Red Cross, every time you hear about our work, you’ll know you’ve played a part in it.

We’re here for humanity, and we thank you for standing with us.

Matching Offer
How Donations Work
Click any 'Donate Now' button and then decide your donation amount. You will then be forwarded to your payment processor of choice. Once your donation has been processed it will be sent to your charity of choice.

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